Featured Products
HMT120/130 Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for Cleanrooms and Light Industrial Applications

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Vaisala HMI 141 Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity Indicator HMI41 fitted with the Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probes HMP42 or HMP46 can be used for spot-checking and field calibration applications. In addition to displaying the humidity and temperature readings, the HMI41 indicator calculates dew point and wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity and mixing ratio. The indicator has an easy-to-read two-line liquid crystal display. The display units (metric or non-metric) are easily selected. These features, plus fast response time, high measurement accuracy and excellent stability, as well as the unique properties of the probe chosen – either the HMP42 or the HMP46 – make the HMI41 indicator and HMP42/46 combination an ideal choice for the most demanding applications.
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Transmitters HMT120 and HMT130 are designed for humidity and temperature monitoring in cleanrooms and are also suitable for demanding HVAC and light industrial applications.
DMT345 and DMT346 Dewpoint Transmitters for High Temperature Applications

The Vaisala DRYCAP® Dewpoint Transmitters DMT345 and DMT346 are designed for humidity measurement in industrial drying applications with particularly high temperatures.
General Info
Humidity is the presence of water in air. The amount of water vapor in air can affect human comfort as well as many manufacturing processes in industries. The presence of water vapor also influences various physical, chemical, and biological processes. Humidity measurement in industries is critical because it may affect the business cost of the product and the health and safety of the personnel. Hence, humidity sensing is very important, especially in the control systems for industrial processes and human comfort. Controlling or monitoring humidity is of paramount importance in many industrial & domestic applications. In semiconductor industry, humidity or moisture levels needs to be properly controlled & monitored during wafer processing. In medical applications, humidity control is required for respiratory equipments, sterilizers, incubators, pharmaceutical processing, and biological products. Humidity control is also necessary in chemical gas purification, dryers, ovens, film desiccation, paper and textile production, and food processing. In agriculture, measurement of humidity is important for plantation protection (dew prevention), soil moisture monitoring, etc. For domestic applications, humidity control is required for living environment in buildings, cooking control for microwave ovens, etc. In all such applications and many others, humidity sensors are employed to provide an indication of the moisture levels in the environment.
W. H. Cooke & Co., Inc. CT-36 Compost Thermometer

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The Cooke Compost Thermometer is ideally suited for monitoring interior temperatures of compost piles and windrows. The clear, easy to read dial, with the pointer directly driven by the sensitive bi-metal helix in the bottom of the stem, gives an accurate reading every time. Used by composters everywhere for waste disposal, recycling, mushroom growing, chicken and turkey composting, etc.
General Info
W. H. Cooke & Co., Inc. manufactures thermocouples, RTD's, and thermistors for a variety of applications and industries. Our customers include manufacturers of food, plastics, metals, paper, and almost any goods that require heat in their process. We will be happy to find or build the right sensor for your application.

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GFG G750 Polytector Multi-gas Monitor Including Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

The G750 is a versatile multi-gas monitor that offers up to 6 gas detection ranges. Available sensor combinations may include the detection of 02, CO, H2S, SO2, NO2, CL2, HCN, NO, combustibles (% volume, % LEL) and CO2. The user can select diffusion or internal pump sampling, make this unit unequaled in the market. The sensors in the G750 may be configured to best match your industry’s needs. The S3 (smart sensor system) allows flexibility for the user to interchange sensors in the field. To alert the user to increasing hazards, the unit has up to three user-adjustable alarm points.
The GASMAX / EC single-channel Toxic / Oxygen gas monitor delivers the latest in loop-powered gas detection technology, reliability and ease of use. The GASMAX / EC is CSA certified for use in Div 1 & Div 2 explosion proof installations and intrinsically safe installations with IS barrier.
Honeywell C7027A1049, C7044A1006, Mini-peeper Ultraviolet Scanners

Compact flame detector for use with flame safeguard controls with ultraviolet amplifiers. Features: Use with Honeywell Flame Safeguard primary safety controls and burners requiring ultraviolet flame detection. C7027 mounts on a 1/2 in. sighting pipe by using an integral collar. Detectors can be wired in parallel for difficult sighting applications. C7027 seals against pressures up to 5 psi (34.5kPa) when correctly installed. Allows for blast tube mounting due to compact size. C7044 mounts with a two screw bracket. The C7044 UV sensor tube is enclosed in a stainless steel housing. C7044 has the capability of side or end viewing in flame monitoring applications.